Theresa Kajs

Theresa Kajs, a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner, Instructor (L1, 2, 3) and Qualified Mentor, has been an energy worker for over 20 years. She has a Ph.D. in microbiology and worked as a Principle Research Scientist in the Procter &Gamble Company's Healthcare Division and holds 18 patents and various publications. After 23 years at P&G (and 7 years at Texas A&M University) as a microbiologist working with "the invisible", she retired in 2002. She is now involved in healing full-time. Theresa has studied with various healers including: Janet Mentgen, Barbara Brennan, Roselyn Bruyere, Mary Jo Bulbrook, Miertek Wirkus, Kyriakos Markides, and in the Upledger Institute programs of cranial sacral, somato-emotional release, and lymphatic drainage techniques. Theresa was instrumental in conducting healing sessions for survivors of the 1999 Cincinnati tornado, established a healing ministry at her church, and co-founded the Greater Cincinnati Healing Touch Gatherings. She is currently the communicator for healing events in Cincinnati. She teaches and works with clients in hospitals, hospice, churches, universities, medical schools, nursing colleges, nursing homes, corporations, and in private practice. She is active in volunteer work, sponsors healing touch practice sessions, and mentors students. She has a Masters in Theology from Xavier University in Cincinnati. Her thesis was on the scriptural basis for healing and the development of a healing ministry in the church. Theresa's goal is to help people advance on their path to self-wellness through God and inner knowledge from Spirit to enable a more fulfilling quality of life. She has founded the Institute for Healing Therapies, LLC in Loveland, OH, where she holds classes and works with clients and mentees.