Beverly Dixon

Beverly received her HTCP in 2008. She has been practicing Healing Touch as a volunteer since 2003 at the Charlotte Maxwell Complementary Clinic in Oakland, CA, which provides numerous complementary modalities to low-income women with cancer, and at Hope Hospice since 2009. She is a certified HT instructor for Level 1. Bev has also taken courses in Energy Medicine and HT for animals. She has given presentations on HT at local hospitals and clinics, and is a charter member of HTPA.
Beverly completed training in biology with an undergraduate degree from Southampton College of Long Island University (B.A.), an M.S.P.H. (Parasitology and Laboratory Practice) from the School of Public Health, University of North Carolina, and a Ph.D. in Medical Microbiology from the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia. She has been teaching medical microbiology at the university level for over 20 years. In 2000, she was chosen as a Fulbright Senior Scholar and spent 6 months teaching in Poland at the University of Warmia and Mazury. As part of her scientific career, she has visited and spoken in many countries including Ireland, Belgium, and Spain in Europe, as well as Ecuador, Honduras, Panama, and Mexico in Latin America. She is a member of the volunteer group Los Medicos Voladores (Flying Doctors), and accompanied the medical mission to Guatemala in August 2009. She is currently a professor Emerita at California State University, Eastbay, where she teaches students majoring in nursing, biology, and medical technology.