Elke Nowicki

Elke Nowicki has a BSc in microbiology and a BEd in biology, chemistry and physics. She taught high school biology and chemistry to adolescents and adults for eleven years. Elke has also studied at Actors Academy and had some small parts in commercials and a movie and has performed with the Heritage Park Players. This creative journey, in time, led her to the Healing Touch Program. She is a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner and a Healing Touch Certified Instructor. Elke loves introducing to people to energy work through teaching Healing Touch Level 1 classes as well as giving Introduction classes to Healing Touch. She has a private practice in her home near beautiful Bragg Creek. Elke continues to give introductory energy healing classes to children. The healing work has led her to working with the Angels and Elke is a graduate of Charles Virtue's class as a Certified Angel Practitioner. She is looking forward to sharing a course which has people connecting to their Guardian Angels Elke loves being outdoors, as well as reading history, archeology and healing books. She has fun with sewing, knitting and embroidery, as well as playing piano and has even had the courage to teach piano to her own three children. She is grateful for the support of her husband and children during this journey.