Jean Pruett

Jean S. Pruett, D.Min.; NCC; HTSM-CP/I; HTCP/I/QM is a retired Administrative Staff Chaplain and Healing Touch (HT) Specialist from Carolinas HealthCare System. She continues to work in her private practice as a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner/Instructor in South Carolina. She and her husband, Jim, have a practice in Spartanburg, SC called Bridgepath, Inc. which is a holistic practice with services provided through Healing Touch, Mentoring of HT Practitioner Apprentices, Psychotherapy, and Supervision of psychotherapists-in-training. Jean also is currently teaching Levels 1-5 of HT through her private practice and Level 3 at Carolinas College of Health Sciences in Charlotte, NC as well as Levels 3 and 4 at Cabarrus College of Health Sciences in Concord, NC for academic credit. She is a member of the Curriculum Review Board for HTP and serves as Vice Chair of the HTP Ethics Committee. She absolutely loves providing, teaching and mentoring HT and plans to keep doing the work until ......