Terri Terhaar

Terri Terhaar is a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner, Certified Instructor and a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist. These two modalities work beautifully together to restore harmony and balance to the whole person. Scientists have found that 95% of all illness is due to unexpressed or unprocessed emotions or history of unresolved trauma that if not dealt with, manifest in physical illness. Healing Touch and Aromatherapy can help facilitate a healing response in the body, placing the person in a condition to self-heal, thus empowering the body to release what has been trapped or unexpressed. A specific essential oil is used plus Healing Touch techniques to facilitate the healing process by opening up energy blocks in the body. This all takes place while you lie comfortably, fully clothed on a massage table in a receiving state of deep relaxation. I look forward to working with you to help bring your body into harmony and balance for healing of your mind, body and spirit. Please contact me for an appointment at 618-401-8128