Karolyn Howard

For 15 years Karolyn worked in sales management & training, always to hear the same comment from the people she worked with ~ "you really should be a counselor. You have made such a difference in my life." So back to school she went, getting her Masters in Counseling from National Louis University. She also became an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church. And now after 20 years of counseling youth, women & families to facilitate change; "Healing Touch Program" has been added to her tool belt. Karolyn's vision of people's potential and talents along with her empathy and concern for the people that she works with has always served to make a difference in their lives ~ along their Life's Journey. Mind ~ Body ~ Spirit She is a proud business partner/owner of "Heart 2 Heart Healing...the Transformation you've been looking for" and works full time using Healing Touch & Nature's Sunshine's herbs, oils, flower essences and supplements to affect change for the positive good with everyone. As a Healing Touch Certified Instructor and Qualified Mentor, Karolyn is passionate about sharing how Healing Touch can change how people understand wellness & health. She also feels honored to have been chosen to be a certification reviewer and work with such a talented group.