Tammy Nickel

Peace... It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart. (author unknown)
These words help guide Tammy in her work with the clients she serves. She believes this peaceful place deep within all of us can be teased to the surface so it becomes part of whom we are, enriching our daily lives. Tammy is a licensed Massage Therapist and has had a home-based private practice since 2003. She completed her Healing Touch Instructor training in 2013 and began the new year of 2014 as a Healing Touch Certified Instructor.
Amongst her skills are: the inspiring of others; helping others to recognize and honor their own gifts; and encouraging others to follow their passions. She honed her sense of compassion in the evolving field of geriatrics and long term care for 25 years, A primary focus of these years was helping others to re-create themselves thru the discipline of Recreation Therapy. She currently mentors Healing Touch (HT) students, consults on a Healing Touch Advisory Board at an 1800 resident Continuing Care Retirement Community, assists in directing a local HT clinic and is the coordinator of monthly HT support/practice groups.
“I encourage myself and others to be mindful of creating balance, embracing simplicity, seeking higher levels of consciousness, living the energetic lifestyle of Healing Touch daily, and to be the best conduit we can be to empowering self-healing in others. ”