The Plight and Flight of Hummers

Originally published in Energy Magazine: The official Publication of the Healing Touch Program December/January Issue. The Plight and Flight of Hummers by Deb Klueter, RN, BSN, HNB-BC, HTCP

Upon returning from the 2010 Healing Touch Program Conference on “The Joy of Healing, A Journey with the Heart,” with all the talk of hum-mers and their symbology, I recalled an event b2ap3_thumbnail_hummingbird-1405681-m.jpgthat occurred a few years ago, following a previ-ous Healing Touch conference where I heard a neurologist speak on trauma. I feel compelled to write about it now as I complete another phase of my personal healing journey. Delightful little crea-tures that they are, hummingbirds bring us the message to “lighten up” and find joy. Just like the laughing Buddha or Jesus’ laughter, hummers, like these spiritual masters, remind us that life is not to be taken too seriously. Of course, this is easier said than done when one enters their “dark night of the soul” but, nevertheless, it is well worth the effort and the journey!

It was a beautiful sunny day. A perfect one to pull weeds and ground myself among the flowers I had planted by my large kitchen window where we loved to sit and watch the beauty of nature unfold. We also had a feeder in a basket of flowers near the window. It was a perfect place to watch the many hum-mingbirds as they came to our garden — a simple way to bring nature in close.

Before I knew it, I heard a “thud” and a sweet little hummingbird was lying to my right on the ground on foliage. It had unknow-ingly flown right into the shiny window and “knocked itself silly”, a phrase heard from elders when I was a child. In its beautiful heart chakra green body and red banded throat, it lay there quivering. A bit in shock myself, I just knelt there watching it shake, bemoaning its experience. Then I was drawn to Set Intention for its highest good and just hold my hand about six inches above it, sending it healing energy and Light, known in HT as Magnetic Passes Hands Still. It just continued laying on the ground shaking, its whole body quivering as I watched – silently sending healing – half in horror and half in amazement. Simultaneously I recalled the trauma workshop at the HT con-ference where I had heard Dr. Peter Levine speak, and I hoped this was a trauma discharge.

Continuing to hold space for healing, it seemed that time stood still and that hours passed, as I watched what seemed like end-less quivering. When the tiny bird finally stopped quivering, I re-moved my hand upon seeing no more movement but remained watchful, hoping, wondering if “the worst” had happened. Suddenly right before my eyes, it occurred! Just as quickly as it landed on the ground, the hummer rose up and flew straight up into the wild blue yonder as if nothing had happened.

Witnessing what I had learned from Dr. Levine, I realized how nature’s “innate wiring” allows for the natural discharge of trauma. It is absolutely amazing what healing potential exists naturally within the animal kingdom of which we, too, are a part! Allow-ing this trauma discharge brings one back to life in seemingly miraculous ways. Putting theory into practice, I learned in just a short time “Trauma discharge brings one back to life.” To life!

What other gifts does the hummer bring? Reminders that ac-cessing the joyful journey of healing requires experiences that open our hearts, and often these situations are not pleasant. It is during our “low” or “down” times that our hearts open wider. In addition, finding practices and tools that facilitate “lightening up”, assisting one in finding joy among the grief, and creat-ing ways to allow the natural discharge of trauma helps one through whatever comes forth with the “dark night.” This is when Healing Touch can be beneficial.

Life provides ample opportunities to “Do the WORK” – the healing – in our professional practices but also in our personal lives. It is that personal Self Care work that creates the abil-ity to “hold the space” for deeper healing to occur with others and our world. So as our beloved founder, Janet Mentgen said, “Just do the work!” Allow the natural transmutation of traumat-ic events in your life to change into joy, just like the hummer did! It will bring you back to life! 

About the author:

b2ap3_thumbnail_deb_klueter_bio_photo.jpgIn her personal journey of seeking greater health, well-being and joy, Deb has been led to explore and integrate various forms of healing. She was introduced to Healing Touch via the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) in the 1980’s while simultaneously learning about healing from a clairvoyant minister. As a nurse and ordained minister, healing has always been a part of Deb’s work. These abilities were expanded and deepened with her efforts to at-tain her Holistic Nursing Certification and to become a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner. Her own journey with “chronic” illness provided much opportunity for healing and trauma release – creating greater access to joy and wholeness. In her profes-sional practice Deb empowers individuals to achieve greater health, well-being and wholeness. She offers, either in person or at a distance, a holistic approach to healing which includes simple tools to foster self-healing. She also offers Introduction to Healing Touch classes to any size group. To reach her, call 618-656-5052 or email

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