Greetings from Cynthia Hutchison, Healing Touch Program Director
Originally published in Energy Magazine: The official Publication of the Healing Touch Program November Issue. Greetings from Cynthia Hutchison Healing Touch Program Director
Dear Readers,
Welcome to the November issue of Energy Magazine! Healing Touch Program is wrapping up the last two months of 2009 with more exciting news! As you know, this year is HTP’s 20th Anniversary celebration year. We committed to making it a memorable year and it has been. I am happy to announce that the new Healing Touch Guidebook: Practicing the Art and Science of Human Caring is completed and available for purchase (see the ad on page 16). We have received numerous endorsements for the book, including the following leaders in holistic
health, nursing and energy medicine: Jean Watson, Barbara Dossey, Janet Quinn, Lucia Thornton, Bob Nunley, Robert Scaer, Rob Ivker, Barbara Stone, Gregory Nicosia and Larry Stoler. We expect this book, whose author is Dorothea Hover-Kramer, a founding elder of Healing Touch, to be a wonderful ambassador for Healing Touch around the world. Other authors include James Oschman, Sharon Scandrett-Hibdon, Kathy Layte, Sister Rita Jean Dubrey and me. This text was a labor of love and celebration and is a very current, reader friendly comprehensive overview of Healing Touch.
Another piece of exciting news is that a long awaited product for students, practitioners, clients and instructors is now available to the HT community. I was delighted to be able to produce two Healing Touch Meditation CDs which include the main meditation practices used in the core curriculum of our program: 1) Basic Grounding, Centering and Attuning; 2) Self Chakra Connection; 3) Self Spiral Meditation; 4) Hara Alignment Meditation and 5) Etheric Vitality Meditation. The process was carefully and lovingly done over the last several months. These two CDs have beautiful background music by two of my favorite composers/artists: Steve Skudler and Aaron Krieshok, both known in the HT community. These will be helpful tools for learning these meditations as well as for HT classes and self-care practices. I look forward to your
feedback regarding these long awaited CDs. (visit and see ad on page 16).
This issue of Energy Magazine is filled with articles that will enlighten and inspire you. Two articles relate directly to working with surgical patients using holistic principles and Healing Touch. The authors are both highly respected practitioners, authors and speakers: Janna Moll, HTCP/I, President of Energy Medicine Specialists, and Cyndi Dale, author of The Subtle Body and one of HTP’s 2010 Worldwide Conference keynote speakers. I was honored to write the Elder Wisdom featured article for this month, which will link you to a historic document about Healing Touch organizations. Other articles include how HT has been incorporated in a hospice in Florida; how the HTP Advanced Practice courses have been enhanced; what the Nightingale Initiative of Global Health is and how you can help; and an article that imaginatively inspires readers to appreciate how medicinal plants may be compared to human attributes and our healing process. Plus, we have our regular features that you won’t want to miss!
Thank you for participating in the HT worldwide community by reading Energy Magazine and be sure to watch for our final issue of 2009 to hear about more exciting developments in the Healing Touch Program!
Wishing you all a blessed and joyful Thanksgiving holiday — may all of us be aware of the abundant blessings in our lives,