Originally published in Energy Magazine: The official Publication of the Healing Touch Program March issue. Essential When There’s No “Me” To Be Found by Cyndi Dale

My chronological age, not to be announced, places me at the inception of the “Me” generation, which could have catapulted me into a life of ease. A workday assessing the cacao content of bon bons followed by a chauffer-driven excursion to the mall to buy yet another pair of vital black shoes. Unfortunately, I did not read the small print – “Me” came to mean if there is a hole, fill it, even if it is in someone else’s backyard; a job incomplete, a need, problem, or emotion to assuage; it is my job. Being a “Caretaker” is similar to being the “vacuumer,” the vacuum, and the electric charge, all at once. You end up exhausted and pick up “stuff” that was not yours in the first place.