Originally published in Energy Magazine: The official Publication of the Healing Touch Program April issue. Biggest Secret For Marketing Your Energy Therapy Practice by Greg Pitstick
Would you like to have a successful energy therapy practice? A fulfilling practice that enables you to help other people while meeting your financial needs?
You can do it, but it may require you to think a little differently than you have been thinking in the past. My name is Greg Pitstick, and I have been helping businesses make more money for over 20 years. My clients have included really big companies like Proctor & Gamble and professionals like Healing Touch practitioners.
There are a lot of things you have to worry about to successfully market your products and services, but over the years I have found one secret that all successful businesses understand. If you don’t get this secret right, then you won’t have much of a business to worry about!
Number One Secret – Know Thy Customer/Client and Give Them What They Want
There is an old saying: You can be a millionaire if you just figure out what people want and give it to them. Sounds easy enough, right?