Originally published in Energy Magazine: The official Publication of the Healing Touch Program May Issue. How to Use Essential Oils For Self Healing By Linda L. Smith, RN, MS, HNC, HTCP, CCA
Self-care has always been a major underlying philosophy in Healing Touch. In fact, Janet Mentgen said on more than one occasion that Healing Touch is really all about self-healing. As one of her early students, I often pondered what she meant by that — I thought we were learning energy work to be of service for others. How was taking care of myself going to help others?
That was in my early days. Twenty years later, I am still discovering the task of self-care and self-healing every day. On my spiritual journey, I have realized the importance of integrating many different modalities not only for me but for my clients, as well.
Energy healing, whether it is Healing Touch, Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry, Reiki, or Therapeutic Touch—is all about vibrational frequencies. Under lying prayer and intention — we find vibrational frequency and beneath the chemistry of essential oils vibrational frequencies as well.
How Can Essential Oils Aid in Self-Care? Essential oils are the life-blood of plants. Just as we have blood in our bodies that carry nutrients, oxygen and heat to all the cells of our bodies, the essential oil in a plant fulfills the same responsibility in the plant. These essential oils are often antimicrobial in nature. They protect the plant from invading bacteria and viruses, and help heal traumas. Thousands of years ago, man first used living plants for food and medicine. Somewhere in history, someone discovered how to extract this living essential oil from the plants. Steam distillation is the most common method used today – with cold expression being used for citrus oils.