By Lisa Gordon on Saturday, 01 May 2010
Category: Energy Magazine

A Personal Journey of Divine Remembering

 Originally published in Energy Magazine: The official Publication of the Healing Touch Program May Issue.   A Personal Journey of Divine Remembering by Franny Harcey, HTCP, Healing Touch Instructor

 As I reflect on my journey over the past ten years, I have to smile as I remember all the won­derful people who have touched my life and have helped me evolve. The instructor for my very first Healing Touch class was with one of Healing Touch Program’s Elders, Nancy Burns. I remem­ber sitting there during the first 30 minutes of class, watching, listening and absorbing all the energy information and I thought to myself; “This is what I am supposed to be doing with my life. Energy work”, and to this day Nancy continues to bless me with her wisdom.

Healing Touch is the foundation of all the work and exploration I have done since that beginning class. Working with Janet Ment­gen, as my mentor, only helped facilitate my deep personal growth and self discovery. Janet would say — (maybe not these exact words, but close) “Healing Touch is the structure with which we only begin our work. It is important to have a structure so that we may expand on it.”

Taking Janet’s words to heart, I delved into reading over one hundred books, studied under many teachers of different energy based and body centered therapies, and continue to embrace each new learning experience with the eyes of a beginner.

As of late, I have spent time with Rudy Noel, who graciously blessed Janet with the Mind Clearing and Hopi Technique that are taught in the Healing Touch Program. Rudy reminds me of this very thing as well — “We build from the basics and always have techniques and tools to pull from our tool belts.” Rudy strives and has taught me to strive to never settle for a tech­nique, but to continue questioning and developing ourselves with a feverish desire to not only live from a place of pure love, but to truly “be” that love in every moment.

To grasp a deeper understanding of myself and those with whom I work, I have delved intensely into Mind Energy Body Psychotherapy training with Carolyn Eberle. The most intense part of Me-B training is exploring where trauma, illness, disease, negative beliefs, unhealthy ego and core distortions are held within the three systems – mind, energy and body. From these realizations, how do we shift ourselves in all three systems?

We begin by tracking the energy system, tracking what the mind and body are saying and discovering which of the three systems holds the truth, then bringing all these systems in line so that trauma, illness and any distortions may fully transform. By living and working from the place of the Core Being – the light which we all are in our purest form – we are able to em­brace our dark and our golden shadow equally. Holding this place for ourselves and assisting another to shift when they are ready – is the gift in Me-B Transformation work.

So while on this path of self discovery, it is my passion to con­tinue to learn and embrace what fits into my truth of how I heal myself and hold a place of healing for all others. As a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner, I embrace the teachings of Healing Touch as my basis and the framework for how I work with cli­ents. I bring myself to each client having the structure of a great ethical practice, documentation skills and deepened knowledge of self, and non-judgment of each client and all situations. Blending all that I have learned and continue to learn, as a healer, I embrace my own divine essence and feel extremely joyful to be the vessel for others on this amazing journey of re­discovering and remembering our true divine core being — that which is our true self.

About the author:

Franny Harcey is a Mind Energy Body Transformation Guide who works with individuals, healers and therapists interested in personal transformation, physical healing and soul evolution. Franny is a teacher trainee with the Mind Energy Body Institute in Boulder, CO and is an Instructor-In-Training for the Healing Touch Program.

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