Originally published in Energy Magazine: The official Publication of the Healing Touch Program March 2008 Issue Greetings from Cynthia Hutchison, Healing Touch Program Director
Dear Readers,
Welcome to the March 2008 issue of Energy Magazine! Shift and change seem to be the keynotes of both my personal life and with Healing Touch Program in the last few months. Personal meditations as well as billboards on the highway and other “messages” about change remind me that it is not something to fear, but to embrace and learn to flow with. I think back to all the changes I have experienced in over half a century and I remember that not only did I survive them, but their lessons have provided me with invaluable knowledge, new wisdom, developed skills, profound questions, a more compassionate heart, a welcomed sense of humor and deeper faith.
In my personal life, within twenty-six days, my mother died, my daughter left
Embracing a marriage commitment which includes a year or so of traveling back and forth between two households in order to manage our careers, was another major shift, although a joyful one. Realizing that organizational paradigm shift was yet another change to stop resisting and to embrace with positivity and confidence provided again the lesson of “following the energy” and “not being attached to outcome”. The shifts and changes that life on this planet brings to us requires us to stay grounded in ourselves; to develop increased confidence in who we are as beings of love and transformation; and to foster the ability to find solace and humor within our relationships to friends and family, our Creator and to ourselves. A well-known adage in HT that we hear from a majority of practitioners is “Healing Touch changed my life!” It certainly is true for me. When we incorporate the principles and practices of HT in our lives over the years, we are more able to go with the flow of life’s events, to more capably discern which paths to follow, and to trust that even when we seem to make a poor choice, that life will always transform it into a salient, valuable lesson if we remain open and humble.
May your connection to Healing Touch be one way in which you are