By Lisa Gordon on Wednesday, 01 September 2010
Category: Energy Magazine

It Only Takes A Nudge

Originally published in Energy Magazine: The official Publication of the Healing Touch Program September/October Issue.

One of my favorite authors is Dr. Valerie Hunt. Her books, Infinite Mind and Mind Mastery Meditations provide valuable information about consciousness and the human energy field. She states thatexperience shows that the healing of injuries or systemic problems are immeasurably hastened when the body’s energy field is coherent, flowing smoothly and not blocked.” I have heard Dr. Hunt say, “It only takes a nudge to bring the energy field into balance.” As a HT practitioner, I had the opportunity to observe how a little nudge and working for a very short time in the energy field helped hasten healing.

I noticed a friend of mine was walking with a very painful limp and not recovering well from surgery on the bottom of his foot to remove a planter wart. Being diabetic, he showed great con-cern for his condition. His use of medicinal cream prescribed by his doctor seemed to have little beneficial effect the past few weeks and he was in severe pain.

He had time constraints when I offered to do a Healing Touch treatment at the office where he was working. With his agreement to try HT, a fifteen minute Magnetic Passes was initiated. Hands in Motion – to clear the congested energy over the foot; Hands Still – to bring balance to the energy field over the foot area.

We discussed the goal of decreasing pain and promoting health, holding the intention for the highest good for healing. My friend told me that he had a belief in hands on healing, based on past family experiences.

When I saw him a week later at his office, he reported, “you are not going to believe this – I walked all day without pain on a family trip a few days after Healing Touch was done.” Today, he was walking without a limp, however, he was worried as he talked about the planter wart reseeding. He expressed concern because his physician told him that additional surgery might be required.

During the next fifteen minutes, Magnetic Passes: Hands in Motion and Hands Still, as well as, the Ultrasound technique were used over the foot area. A week later, after a visit with his physician, he stated that his doctor said that further surgery would not be necessary, as the seed was at the surface of his skin. All the doctor had to do was flick it off. This story reflects the benefits of integrative medicine. Blending together excellent medical care by a physician, the belief by the client that Healing Touch may be helpful and giving the energy field “a little nudge seemed to work together. I clearly remember my friend saying, “I know Healing Touch helped my foot heal.” As Healing Touch practitioners, we are aware of the benefits of a full sequence Healing Touch session. This little story reminds me to never underestimate the value of a few minutes of Healing Touch.

About the author:

Rev. Mary Ann Geoffrey, RN, a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner and Instructor, is a charter member of AHNA and received certification as a holistic nurse in 1998. She became certified in Neuro Associative Conditioning through Robbins Research Institute and has led seminars in stress and life management skills. Completing studies in ministry from Sancta Sophia Seminary in Oklahoma, Mary Ann was ordained in 2002, and includes spiritual coaching in her practice to enhance the healing process of her clients. Currently, Mary Ann teaches 5 Levels of the Healing Touch Program and loves to incorporate humor in her teaching style. She is currently serving the Healing Touch Program as Lead Instructor for Levels 4 and 5 and in that role is helping to train and mentor new Level 4/5 HTP instructors

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