By Lisa Gordon on Friday, 20 February 2009
Category: Energy Magazine

Money as Energy

Originally published in Energy Magazine: The official Publication of the Healing Touch Program February Issue Money As Energy by Marilee Tolen, RN, HNC, HTCP/I

Your Wound Can Be a Gift to the World A Secret to Discovering Your Niche and Surviving Economically As a Healer in Practice

How many healers do you know, including yourself, who embarked on their healership journey because of benefits they personally received from an energy healing session?

After having taught Healing Touch classes actively for over 10 years, I have observed a common denominator as to what motivatespeople to study Healing Touch.

The top reason I found that motivated people to study Healing Touch was that they received a healing session that improved their own life — that one of their wounds – either physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual – in some way, was healed or began to heal — that their pain was diminished or gone — they felt significantly better — and they wanted to share it with others.

HTP classes and the certifi cation process offer tremendous self-healing opportunities for the practitioner in training. When practitioners are certifi ed in Healing Touch, their ability to offer
the Healing Touch techniques and to hold the energetic space for another to heal is so great because of the self-healing that they’ve experienced.

A Healing Touch Certified Practitioner starting in a professional practice often begins with a small community of people that they know, or who know them on a personal basis. Then the referrals start and the practice begins to slowly build. The amount of exposure the healer has to the community through promotion or education can effect how fast or slow their practice can build.

A great way to pick up speed in building a healing practice is for the healer to focus on a specific population of people with specific needs and market to that group. For example, they can offer free lectures to, or attend local support group meetings of, associations such as the Arthritis Foundation or Diabetes Association where people living with these conditions come together for support and education. It is a great place to share Healing Touch as a complement to their care.

An even greater way to swiftly build a healing practice is for the healer to target and market to the folks who are dealing with the same problem or challenge with which they themselves
have lived.

When we look at this from a marketing perspective, one of the most powerfully successful approaches to get business is through ‘story’. If the healer is willing to share her/his success story (in marketing materials, free introductory lectures, or writings) then the possibility of attracting many from the same population is extremely high. Having a ‘niche’ target market is one of the best ways to become successful. In addition, if it’s a niche group who can personally relate to the presenter/practitioner, then the success rate increases even more.

When we look at this from a healing perspective, there is no better healer than the wounded healer who has walked in the shoes of the healee. Understanding, compassion, and safety are authentically delivered and show the true demonstration of ‘oneness’.

The willingness of healers to allow their wound to be the gift to the world — by helping others with the same wound — can ensure success in healing and in business.

About the author:
Marilee Tolen is board certifi ed in Holistic Nursing, a graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing Science, completed Intuition Training with Caroline Myss, and has practiced and taught Healing Touch for over 12 years. She has integrated abundance and prosperity principles into her professional life for three decades. Her studies of the energy of money became her specialty at the Brennan School in 1996 as demonstrated in her thesis “Currency As Consciousness” ©. She is a contributing author to the recently acclaimed award winning book Invitation to Holistic Health: A Guide to Living a Balanced Life (Bartlett and Jones) writing the chapter on “Financial Health.” Marilee has taken her healing work to the World Wide Web and has created a virtual community for holistic health care professionals and others interested in natural healing. She is now teaching marketing for healers helping them to launch (or re-energize) their practices. Her e-book “Eight Steps to Kick Start Your Practice” is now available and her very popular course in Internet Marketing has been successfully attended by many in the Healing Touch community. Follow Marilee on her new podcast program The “Green Tea with Marilee” Show at and sign up for her free Tips of the Week at her website

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